We have bred or owned Shelties that have won over 200
Champion titles: (180 Canadian, 110 American, 3 Japanese, 2 Brazilian, 1 Chilean, 1 Korean, 1
* Breeders/owners of seven different Best
in Show winners, 24 different Best in Specialty Show winners
and SIX
National Best of Breed wins!
* 14 ROM and 24 ROMC titles.
.................... *
Breeder/owner/handlers of Canada's Top Sheltie and #1 in the
Herding Group 1995 and breeders of Canada's #1 Herding Group
2023, #6 All-Breed.
* We are very proud of our accomplishments
at the American Shetland Sheepdog Association National
Specialty winning Twice Best of Breed, Twice Best of Opposite Sex,
Twice Select Dog, 13 Awards of Merit, Winners Dog, Reserve
Winners Dog (twice), Winners Bitch and Best of Winners
Three Best in Futurity, Runner-Up To Best in Futurity, as well as
multiple class wins.
* At the Canadian Shetland Sheepdog
Association National Laureate bred/owned Shelties have won
Best of Breed (five times) Best of Opposite Sex (three times),
Select, Award of Merit (four times), Winners Dog, Reserve
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Reserve Winners Bitch, Best Puppy in Breed, Best Puppy in
Sweeps (twice), Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps and runner-up
in Breeders Sweeps.
* Co-breeders of
who had a total of 23 All Breed Best in Show wins.
* We are delighted with the success of our
dogs in the agility and obedience rings. It is a
credit to both their owners/trainers and the
trainability of the Laureate bloodline. |

These are the Laureate bred or owned titlists.
Am/Can Ch Krystalyn Just An Illusion, ROM/ROMC
(bred by Y. DeFreitas)

MBIS/MBISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Diamond Is Forever
BIS/BISS/BPISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Fifth Avenue
OF BREED MBIS/MBISS Am/Can Grand Ch Laureate Invincible
BIS/BPIS Am/Can Ch Laureate Laredo, ROMC
RBIS/BISS Am Ch Laureate Macallan
MBIS/MBISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Starlight Express
MBIS/BISS/BPIS/BPISS Am/Can Ch Shelhaven Pop'n Up At Talisker (co-bred by K. & R. Henley)

BISS Am. Ch. Anamchara Wistwin Aura
(co-bred by B. Campbell)
BISS Am Ch El Solo Infinity (co-bred
by M. Norstrom)
BISS Am/Can Ch. Krystalyn Magical Moments,
(bred by Y. DeFreitas)
BISS Am/Can Ch Krystalyn Windswept
(bred by Y. DeFreitas)
BISS Am Ch. Laureate Allure
BISS Bronze GAm/Can Ch Laureate Cold Play
BISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Gabrielle, ROMC
BISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Homage
BISS Am Ch Laureate Ice
Goddess (co-bred by J. & T. Pavey)
MBISS/BPIS Am/Can Ch Laureate Insignia ROM
MBISS Am/Can. Ch. Laureate Jivara ROMC
BISS Am/Can Ch Laureate K Syrah
Am/Can Ch Laureate Lavania
MBISS Am/Can Ch. Laureate Louisiana
BISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Macadamia
Am/Can Ch Laureate Magnified ROM
BISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Moira Rose
BISS/RBIS/BPIS Am/Can Ch Laureate Ode To Joy
Am/BPIS Can Ch Laureate
MBISS Am/Can Ch. Laureate Santana, ROMC
BISS Can Ch Laureate Shades Of Grey
BISS Am/Can Ch. Legends Morning
(bred by L. Profenno)

Am/Can Ch Laureate Aruba
Am/BPIS Can Ch Laureate Be My Guest
Am Ch
Laureate Benefactor
Am/Can Ch Laureate Beyond
Am Ch Laureate Bonfire (co-bred by Bonnie Pappel)
Am/Can Ch Laureate Catalina
Am Ch Laureate Celestial
Am/Can Ch Laureate Classy L'Image
(co-bred by F. Larente)
Am Ch Laureate Cloak and Dagger
Am Ch Laureate Disclosure (co-bred by G.
Am Ch Laureate Divinity
Am Ch Laureate Dominus
Ch Laureate Double Exposure
Am/Can/Jap Ch Laureate Explorer, ROMC
Am/Can Ch Laureate Fanfare
Am/BPIS Can Ch Laureate Fan Favourite
Am/MBPIS Can Ch Laureate
Game Of Thrones
Am/Can Ch Laureate Givalia
Am/Can Ch Laureate Hopscotch
Am Ch Laureate How I Love Ya (co-bred with A Brazeau)
MBPIS/BPISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Immortality ROMC
Am/Can Ch Laureate Importance Of Being (co-bred by J. Childs)
Am Ch Laureate Indeed (Co-bred by N. Everett)
MBPIS Am/Can Ch Laureate Inevitable
Am/BPIS Can Ch Laureate Ingenue (co-bred by C & P Wendling)
BPIS BPISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Invara
Am/Can Ch Laureate Jammin' Up The Tempo
BAm/PIS Can Ch Laureate Laa Dee Daa
Am/Can. Ch. Laureate Landau
Am/Can Ch Laureate Latitude
Am Ch Laureate Lucille
Am/Can Ch Laureate Marilyn Merlot
Am/Can Ch Laureate Meiomi
Am/Can Ch Laureate Moira Rose
Ch Laureate Navigator
Ch Laureate Nocturnal (co-bred by Amy Massey)
Am/Can Ch Laureate Operetta
Am/Can Ch Laureate Opus One ROM/ROMC
Am/Can Ch Laureate Poetic Justice
MBPIS Am/Can Ch Laureate Red Red Wine ROM/ROMC
Am/Can Ch Laureate Search Party
BPISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Sharrow Chablis
(co-bred by M. Pratt)
Am Ch Laureate Simply Simon (co-bred by A. Brazeau)
Am Ch Laureate Somerhaven Lady Luck (co-bred by D. Sherbrooke)
Am Ch Laureate Sommelier
Am/Can Ch Laureate Spaghetti Western (co-bred by B.
Am Ch Laureate Spotlight
Am/Can Ch Laureate Still The One
BPIS Am/Can Ch Laureate Sugar Plum
Am/Can Ch Laureate Sunkissed
BPIS Am/Can Ch Laureate Sweet Thing
Am Ch Laureate Telluride
Am/Can Ch Laureate Torrington
Am/Can Ch Laureate Unapologetic (co-bred by A Brazeau)
Am Ch Laureate Vienesse (co-bred by A Brazeau)
Am/Can Ch Laureate Vignette (co-bred by C. & P. Wendling)
Am Ch Laureate Vintages
Am Ch Laureate You Know Who
Am Ch Brandina No Worries
(co-bred by N. Everett)
Am/Can Ch Cassbar Laureate
All Fired Up (co-bred by M. Rogowski)
Am Ch El Solo Serenity (co-bred by M. Norstrom)
Am Ch Jade Mist Coastal Country Girl
(co-bred by C. Howell)
Am Ch Jade Mist Coastal Cowboy (co-bred by C.
Am Ch Kabria Remember When (co-bred by K McFall)
Am/Can Ch Krystalyn A Moment In Time (co-bred by Y. DeFreitas)
Am Ch Krystalyn Commencement Magic (co-bred by Y. DeFreitas)
Am Ch Krystalyn Laureate Intuition, ROM (co-bred by Y. DeFreitas)
Am/Can Ch Lynphil Laureate Advantage (co-bred by C. & P. Wendling)
Am Ch Lynphil Laureate Chandelier (Co-bred by C. & P. Wendling)
Am Ch Lynphil Endearment (Co-bred by C and P Wendling)
Am/Can Ch Nuhope's Riverdance (co-bred by H. LaTulippe & D. Demers)
Am Ch Paray's Make A Splash
(co-bred by T. Pittman & P. Flores)
Am/Can Ch Shelhaven Afire (bred by K. Henley)
Am/Can Ch Solange Preferred Assets (bred by L. Nicholas)
Am/Can Ch Velvetfog Laureate Freestyle (co-bred by A Brazeau)
Am/Can Ch Velvetfog Laureate Memorable (co-bred by A Brazeau)
Am/BPIS Can Ch Velvetfog Laureate Pumpkin Spice (co-bred by A Brazeau)
BPIG Am/Can Ch. Westwind The Poet Laureate
(bred by C. Lynch)
Am Ch Wistwin Smitten Kitten (Co-bred by D Hawes)

Can Ch Laureate Accessorize
Can Ch Laureate Alinea
MBPIS Can Ch Laureate All That Glitters
Can Ch Laureate Brightside
Can Ch Laureate Brocade (co-bred by B. Campbell)
Can Ch Laureate Cadence
Can Ch Laureate Celina
Can Ch Laureate Chenille (co-bred by K. & R.
Can Ch Laureate Christie Brinkley
Can Ch Laureate Coastwynn Corsica (co-bred by E. Hall)
BPIG Can. Ch. Laureate Continuum
Ch Laureate Cosmopolitan
BPIS Can Ch Laureate Determination (co-bred by D.
Can Ch Laureate Discovery
BPIS Can Ch Laureate Doctor
BPIS/BPISS Can Ch Laureate Dominatrix
BPIG Can Ch Laureate Double Exposure
Can Ch Laureate Eldorado
BPIS Can. Ch. Laureate Embelish (co-bred by A. Frey)
BPIS Can. Ch. Laureate Epitome
BPIG Can. Ch. Laureate Espresso
Can. Ch. Laureate Eternity
Can Ch Laureate Everything
Can. Ch. Laureate Exodus
BPISS BPIG Can. Ch. Laureate French Laundry
Can. Ch. Laureate Geneve
Can. Ch. Laureate Grand Illusion
BISS BPIS Can Ch Laureate Hamilton
Can Ch Laureate Heavenly
Can Ch Laureate Highland Dancer
Can Ch Laureate Immortal Beloved
Ch Laureate Inception ROMC
Can Ch Laureate Indomitable
BPIS Can Ch Laureate Ingenue (co-bred by C & P Wendling)
Can Ch Laureate I Knew It
BPIS Can Ch Laureate Intuition
Can Ch Laureate Invictus
Can Ch Laureate Iridescent
Can Ch Laureate Jennavive
Can. Ch. Laureate Just Imagine, ROMC
Can Ch Laureate K Syrah Syrah
Can Ch Laureate Lakota
Can Ch Laureate La La Land
Can Ch Laureate Lancome
Can. Ch. Laureate Landslide, ROMC
(co-bred by J. Griffin)
BPIG Can Ch Laureate LaPerla (co-bred by J & J
Can Ch Laureate Lexus
Can Ch Laureate Million Reasons
Can Ch Laureate Little Miss Sunshine (co-bred by N Everett)
Can Ch Laureate Looking Glass
BPIS Can Ch Laureate Loverly
Ch Laureate Lutèce
Can Ch Laureate Madam President (co-bred by B. Campbell)
BPISS BPIG Can Ch. Laureate Maverick
BPIS RBIS Can Ch Laureate Meiomi
Can Ch Laureate Meringue
Can Ch Laureate Nuhope's Goldie Hawn
Can. Ch.
Laureate Ocean Spray
BPIS Can Ch Laureate Ophelia
Can. Ch. Laureate PaRay Per Se
Can. Ch. Laureate Party Life
BPIG Can. Ch. Laureate Pavlova
(co-bred by B. Campbell)
Can. Ch. Laureate Preferred Property
Can. Ch. Laureate Rachael Ray
Can Ch Laureate Reimagine
Can Ch Laureate Rejoice
BPIG Can. Ch. Laureate Ringmaster
Can Ch Laureate Santa Fe
Can Ch Laureate Santiago
Can Ch Laureate Sauvignon Blonde
Can Ch Laureate Savanna White, ROMC (co-bred by K. Dziegiel & A. Bulens)
Can Ch Laureate Sedona
Can Ch Laureate Serendipity
Can Ch Laureate Shakira (co-bred by M. Pratt)
Can Ch Laureate Siena ROM ROMC
BPIS Can Ch Laureate Simplicity
BPIS Can Ch Laureate Sun Salutation (co-bred by D.
Can Ch Laureate Swan Lake
Can Ch Laureate Takesushi
Can Ch Laureate Titanium
Can Ch Laureate Torrington (co-bred by C. Pruss)
BPIS Can Ch Laureate Tuscany
Can Ch Laureate Unapologetic (co-bred by A. Brazeau)
Can Ch Laureate Valhallah (co-bred by C & P Wendling)
Can Ch Laureate Valrhona
(co-bred by P & T Richards)
Ch Laureate Vanilla Sky (co-bred by K. & R.
Can Ch Laureate Velvetfog Vienna (co-bred by A Brazeau)
Can Ch Laureate Will You Remember
Can Ch Laureate Who Dunnit (co-bred by M.& D. Rogowski)
Can Ch Laureate's Texan At Nationview,

JKC Ch Laureate Forester
Brazilian/Chilean Ch. Laureate Laramie
Portuguese Ch Laureate Everlasting
Braz/Can Ch Laureate La La Land
JKC Ch Laureate Dances With Dragons

BPIG Can Ch Anamchara
Kinky Boots (co-bred by B.Campbell)
Can Ch Autumngold Laureate Alabama (co-bred by S. Clement)
Can Ch Cahaba-Krystalyn Dream West
(bred by Y. DeFreitas)Can Ch Eldee Kneehi Isabella
(co-bred by L. Daignault, P. Sioui)
Can Ch Eldee White Feather
(co-bred by L. Daignault. P. Sioui)
Can Ch Longhauls Would I Lie To
You (co-bred by K Brearley)
Can Ch Luckystarreg An Angel (bred by M. & L. Pelletier)
Ch Lynphil Laureate Mischievous (co-bred by C & P Wendling)
Can Ch Nuhope's Bette Midler (co-bred by H. Latulippe, D. Demers)
Can Ch Nuhope's Contact Jodie Foster (co-bred by H. Latulippe, D. Demers)
Can Ch Ruffleith's Remy Martin (co-bred by P. Woodruff)
Can Ch Ruffleith's Rose In Bloom (co-bred by P. Woodruff)
Can Ch Ruffleith's Tinta Rufette (co-bred by P. Woodruff)
Can Ch Shelhaven Arnage (co-bred by K. & R. Henley)
BPIS Can Ch Shelhaven Counterstrike, ROMC (co-bred by K. & R. Henley)
Can Ch Shelhaven Starmist Centerfold (co-bred by K. & R. Henley)
Can Ch Shelhaven Static Free (co-bred by K. & R. Henley)
BPIS Can Ch Tresta Laureate Baryshnikov (bred by
P. Skapa & Y. Samuelson)
Ch Velvetfog Huckleberry Finn (co-bred by A. Brazeau)
Ch Velvetfog Laureate Solo Act ROM (co-bred by A. Brazeau)
Can Ch Whitegates Celestial (co-bred by J. & T. Pavey)

Laureate Dream
Laureate Tiramisu ROMC

Laureate Dancin' Chimney Sweep,
NADAC Top 10 List three times!
(pictured above)
(Many many agility
titles. Please visit his page for a complete list.)
OTCh Laureate's Delicate Crystal, Am C.D. CGN
Laureate's Little Bear's Kiss, C.D., CGN
Laureate's Oliver Twist, C.D.X.
Laureate's Desert Gold, C.D.
Laureate Dream A Little Dream, AX, AXJ
Laureate Autumngold Atlanta, OA, OAJ
Laureate's Rookie Of The Year, C.D. Laureate Search Me, C.D.
Jammin' Dancin' Toon Trapper, NAC, O-NAC,
Novice Triple
Open Triple Novice Versatility Open Versatility Elite Versatility
(co-bred by J.
Jammin' Vertical Velocity, Am. U.D., RN (co-bred by J. Griffin)
Laureate Due South, Am U.D.
BPIS/BPISS Laureate Beloved ROM
(nine points)

We have compiled pages that highlight our
Top Producers
Top Winners
. . . . .
BIS= Best in Show
BISS= Best in Specialty Show
BPIS= Best Puppy in Show
BPISS= Best Puppy in Specialty Show
BPIG= Best Puppy in Group
BOB= Best of Breed
Ch.= Champion
Ch. = Canadian Champion (may also be listed as Can. Ch.)
Am. Ch. = American Champion
Jap. Ch.= Japanese Kennel Club Championship (may also be listed as JCC Ch)
ROM= Record of Merit (5 American Champions for a female, 10 for a male)
ROMC= Register of Merit Canadian (same as above but for Canadian Champions)
CD= Companion Dog (Obedience title) CDX= Companion Dog Excellent
UD= Utility Dog
OTCH= Obedience Trial Champion
CGN= Canine Good Neighbour
North American Agility Dog Council = NADAC:
Novice Regular Agility = NAC
Novice Gamblers = NAG
Novice Jumpers = NJC
Canine Performance Events = CPE:
Level 1 Standard Agility = CL1-R
Level 1 Fun Games = CL1-F
Level 1 Strategy Games = CL1-S
Level 1 - Handler Games = CL1-H
LEVEL 2 Standard Agility = CL 2-R
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All photos and artwork copyright to original
Any copying, downloading or reproducing in any
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